This Man Turned Himself Into a Goat

We’ve all thought about how easy the life of an animal is. No work, no chores, no struggles. Well, someone went a step further and tried living like that for real. Sounds crazy? Well, it is true. Author of The Toaster Project, Thomas Thwaites wanted a break from all the stress of life and therefore decided to try and live the life of a goat. In fact, he also wrote a book titled GoatMan: How I Took a Holiday From Being a Human and elaborated on his entire experience.

How it All Began

Thwaites recalls believing as a young child that he wouldn’t have to go to school if he were a cat. He wanted to take a break from all the stress and this is what pushed him to make the Wellcome Trust, a nonprofit organization established to support research aimed at enhancing both human and animal health.

Man Turned Goat

It took nine months for Thwaites to put his idea together, and with the support of his money, the University of Salford prosthetics clinic was able to create two additional legs and hooves. He also considered acquiring an artificial stomach to aid with his grass digestion, but he had to abandon that idea because of health concerns. In order to fully experience goat life, the author eventually made his way to an Alps farm. He spent three days there and later referred to his time there as “a special kind of time.”

The GoatMan

After Thwaites was done with his surreal experience, he wrote a book about it. Will Thwaites and his readers learn the true meaning of being human? These questions are teased in his book, which details his “hilarious and strange odyssey through engineering, design, and psychology.”